Broadland Meridian Board

Broadland Housing Association is committed to serving the needs of its neighbourhoods and places its customers first. We strive to provide a caring, effective and...

Broadland Meridian Board

gavin-tempestGavin Tempest

Gavin spent the first 30 years of his career working as a Police Officer, and he worked as a Chief Inspector, Head of Community Safety in Norfolk, specialising in partnership working and operations management.

Gavin has a long track record bringing together a both housing-sector specific agencies, as well as non-housing sector related community agencies, with a view to tackling broader local community issues through collaboration. He won a prestigious Home Office Tilley Award for partnership problem solving alcohol related crime and disorder, and he has been part of national and local influence on policing responses to licensing, street prostitution, and anti-social behaviour. Gavin was Project Director for the development of Neighbourhood Policing in Norfolk and has a thorough understanding of operational issues facing housing providers.


jenny-manserJenny Manser

Jenny is an independent management consultant, primarily serving community and voluntary sector organisations. Her areas of expertise are social housing, change management and the development of community based health and social care projects.

A former director of Anglia Housing Group, she has held various executive and non- executive roles, and continues to support a variety of organisations and community groups throughout Norfolk and Suffolk.