Financial Information

Broadland Housing Association is committed to serving the needs of its neighbourhoods and places its customers first. We strive to provide a caring, effective and...

Financial Information

Broadland Housing’s approach to financial management has always been to maximise efficiencies right across the business, so as to provide the best possible value for money for our customers. That’s because we realise that we have limited financial resources and as a result, it is our responsibility to ensure that we secure the best value possible in respect of every single service we purchase and deliver. How we approach our finances:

We firmly believe that making a series of small savings across different areas of the business can help us to deliver a much better service to our customers, right across the board. That’s why we adopt a strong and extremely robust approach to our finances, across all areas of the business. In addition, we believe very strongly in good corporate and financial governance. As a result, we comply fully with all statutory financial regulations, with Homes and Communities Economic Standards, and of course with the terms of our bank loans.

Our financial statements

Our finances are readily and openly available for anyone to examine.


