Our Shareholders

Shareholders are an important part of our governance structure and form an important part of how we govern the organisation.

Our Shareholders

Shareholders are a hugely important part of our governance structure. All our shareholders are invited to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM) so that they can receive financial statements, approve the appointment of internal or external auditors, approve the appointment of any new board members, or simply ask questions of our Board and have their say in our onward direction.
The AGM also offers a great opportunity for shareholders to hear from both our Chairperson and our Chief Executive in terms of what has been achieved and accomplished during the course of the year.

Our AGM is also an excellent opportunity for Board members and individual shareholders to meet to discuss pertinent housing topics, to learn from each other, and to better understand the wider issues that are at play within our sector. As a result, we actively encourage our shareholders to play an active role at this invaluable annual gathering.

Finally, there are other opportunities, aside from the AGM, in which our shareholders can play an active role in our organisation throughout the year. Please see our tenant engagement page for all the latest news, events and happenings.

If you are interested in becoming a shareholder please contact Laura Hamaz or download the application form. The cost of becoming a shareholder is just £1 so please do get involved!